Great feel, look and shine with Vinegar Rinse

by Mel
(United Kingdom)

French translation

I used the apple cider vinegar 1 day ago.

I washed my hair as usual then rinsed it with the diluted vinegar. After 5-10 min I rinsed it off then conditioned my hair as usual.
I then dried my hair before bed.

In the morning I put the diluted vinegar in a spray bottle and sprayed the section of my hair I was straightening.

Want the results........... AMAZING feel and shine, I did not use any straightening products in hair and it was the straightest its ever been with just the straightening iron.

I have blond highlights so normally when I straighten my hair it feels wiry and singed but none of this with the vinegar, just silky, smooth hair!

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Nov 21, 2012
ACV makes my hair shiny and stops excess shedding!
by: Anonymous

I finally decided to try the apple cider rinse and I am in love. I will not ever stop using it.

After the first wash, my hair was noticeably shiny. Two weeks into using it, my hair stopped shedding, breaking, whatever it was doing. Less hair strands!

Jul 03, 2011
ACV for hair rinse
by: Natali

I've been using vinegar as hair rinse for years, and I have beautiful shiny healthy looking hair.

I feel proud when people ask me what I do with my hair to make it look so nice!!!

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