A scientific explanation for how vinegar (dilute acetic acid) can aid in weight loss

by Walt Woodruff

French translation

Not all calories come from carbohydrates, but most do in the average American's diet.

Carbohydrates can be classified into two major groups:
1) Simple carbohydrates: such as glucose, sucrose, maltose, etc. and
2) Complex carbohydrates: starches as found in breads, noodles, potatoes, rice, etc..

The body cannot absorb and use complex carbohydrates. They must first be broken down into simple carbohydrates in the process of digestion in the gut. Both the salivary glands and the pancreas produce an enzyme for this process called "amylase."

Vinegar/acetic acid neutralizes/deactivates amylase. Also, there is a drug called "Precose" that works in similar fashion (preventing the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into sugar)

That's my 2 cents worth on the subject of how ACV most likely can aid with weight loss.

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Dec 26, 2014
Why ACV can aid in weight loss
by: Anonymous

So really, why was it so hard for other people to figure this out?

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