Blood Pressure Dropped with ACV Mixture

by Sandy

French translation

My blood pressure dropped from 158/92 to 134/82 in 10 days!

I mixed 1 cup of uncooked honey, 8 cloves of garlic and 1 cup of organic apple cider vinegar (with the "Mother") in a blender.

You have to put it in the refrigerator and wait 5 days for the mixture to "mature."

After the 5-day period, on May 31, 2010, I took one TBSP first thing in the morning. I wish I knew what my blood pressure was before I started taking my brew.

It wasn't until June 10th that I had a blood pressure reading done. My numbers were 158/92 -- too high!

I had another reading on June 17th and my numbers were down to 150/81! I was so excited that my bottom number had fallen by 11 points, but was still worried about the top number being 150.

I started taking two TBSP first thing in the morning and one TBSP before dinner. I couldn't wait to do see what my numbers were, so I had another reading done on Saturday, June 19th -- my numbers were 134/82 -- my top number came down 24 points in 10 days!

I am also drinking vinegar with the "Mother" in my water all day at work.

I will NEVER stop doing this!

Sandy from MD-USA

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Feb 08, 2017
Reduced High Blood Pressure
by: Sidra Imran (Dubai,UAE)

I was newly diagnosed with high blood pressure.

I didn't take any medicine and its been almost a month that my morning blood pressure highs were 200 everyday.

I started to take Bragg ACV and really I think I don't need medicine, its working!

Its like a miracle, in just 2 days my blood pressure is 140. I will definitely keep with it.

Mar 24, 2015
It somewhat works
by: entertainment design

Stopped both BP meds 4 days

With deep breathing can bring my BP quickly in range.

However I like a tsp. of ACV in the cup of my humidifier. I get deeper breaths and even lower BP.

Jul 20, 2012
Blood Pressure
by: Aslam Mirzxa from Sweden

I take blood pressure medicine Lisinopril Actavis, 20mg every day with breakfast.

Nearly 4 weeks ago I started to drink ACV before meals.

Now my blood pressure is 130/80 and I do not take Lisinopril. Thanks to ACV.

Apr 25, 2012
by: Anonyme

Good morning,

What is " la mere" that you use with apple vinegar?

Thank you

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