How Princess said good bye to her fleas with ACV

by Kathy
(Florida, USA)

My Princess

My Princess

French translation

I give my Shih Tzu 9 year old, 1/2 teaspoon ACV in her water every day. Her bowl holds about 2 cups of water. She drinks most of it every day.

I have noticed she doesn't have any fleas. She was loaded with fleas after I brought her home from the VET in April.

I started this ritual about week after I got all the fleas off her and out of my home. It took about 4 weeks but now she is so much happier and not scratching all the time.
Yes I sprayed my home. I combed her with a flea comb every time I took her out.

It does work. No more pesticides on her.

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Mar 13, 2017
Apple Cider Vinegar Bathes
by: Melissa - USA

We have adopted a Toy Shih tzu. She is 3yrs old.

She has been very itchy, hot spots, etc.

We bathe her with the ACV and for the 1st time last night she slept thru the night!!

How often can we bathe her???


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