Lost 20 pounds in two months thanks to ACV
by Idode Lyrics
My name is Idode. I am Nigerian and have always had problems with my size.
I am 5 ft 8 inches tall and weighed 200 pounds. I had tried everything from strict dieting to exercises but nothing worked.
The exercises only helped in building my body, not really losing weight. It got to a point where I would eat and then force myself to throw up, but that was affecting my body medically.
I noticed that my mum was dropping weight rapidly; she was taking ACV for her blood pressure and it was really working.
So I decided to try it and within two months, I had lost 20 pounds. There was no change in my diet whatsoever. I took two tablespoons of ACV before each meal.
I was proud of myself. Everyone started complimenting me, wanting to know how I lost the weight.
Right now, I weigh 170 pounds. So I had to reduce my intake because I am big boned and if I go further than this, people might think am sick.
ACV is magic.