Lost 20 pounds in two months thanks to ACV

by Idode Lyrics

French translation

My name is Idode. I am Nigerian and have always had problems with my size.

I am 5 ft 8 inches tall and weighed 200 pounds. I had tried everything from strict dieting to exercises but nothing worked.

The exercises only helped in building my body, not really losing weight. It got to a point where I would eat and then force myself to throw up, but that was affecting my body medically.

I noticed that my mum was dropping weight rapidly; she was taking ACV for her blood pressure and it was really working.

So I decided to try it and within two months, I had lost 20 pounds. There was no change in my diet whatsoever. I took two tablespoons of ACV before each meal.

I was proud of myself. Everyone started complimenting me, wanting to know how I lost the weight.

Right now, I weigh 170 pounds. So I had to reduce my intake because I am big boned and if I go further than this, people might think am sick.

ACV is magic.

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Jun 13, 2016
Frequent urination with ACV.
by: Hally

Hi am Halima a 34 year old Nigerian.

ACV is really helpful with the weight (had a baby 8 months ago) and I started taking it like three months ago and more religiously three weeks ago but my problem is the frequency at which I use the bathroom.

My appetite is totally curbed and then am losing all this fluid coupled with breastfeeding. Has anyone experience this?

You can get it from shop right or any big supermarket around you. I live in Jos and I get mine from Onigbinde supermarket.

Jan 15, 2015
Where to get this drink
by: Eby

I am also a Nigerian mother of 5.

I have added lots of belly fat over the years and I am carb sensitive.

I live in Nigeria but I don't know where to find this organic brand of acv. Please help me with any helpful info.

Sep 27, 2013
from Nigeria
by: Anonymous

I am excited to see this.
My name is Estella and am overweight so I want to start taking ACV and I seriously pray it works because I want to look beautiful and have a better shape.

Am starting it today being 27th of September 2013. Will give you feed back when there are changes.

Jan 16, 2013
ACV works even with Naija food!
by: Noni5

Hi Tinu,
Just wanted to say I've had some success with raw, organic ACV.
I'm 5'3", weighed about 172lbs.
Today, I'm 167lbs.

I like my efo riro+eba, rice+designer stew etc [you get the idea]. I haven't started any exercises [i plan to...]

Dec 20, 2012
Does it include Nigeria Food
by: Tinu

Hi Idode,

You are the only one who is testifying from Nigeria.

You said you were eating your normal 3 square meal or two as case maybe, does this includes rice,eba,fufu,yam,coke etc as we know that Nigeria food is full of carbohydrate.

Kindly enlighten me on this.

Best Regards


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