Thank God for ACV

by Michelle Rogers
(Gary, IN)

French translation

I have been taking ACV supplements for almost one month. The product has helped me to feel great and to loose weight.

There is something in apple cider vinegar that aids in weight loss. I have lost 10 pounds in 1 month. I feel a lot better but I still have 70 pounds to lose.

I also walk at least 15 miles a week to maintain and loose more weight and stay healthy.

Michelle Rogers, 36 years old

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Jan 02, 2014
Acv helps with periods
by: tariro zimbabwe

Yesterday I felt pain pe menses. Normally today would have been worse. But I feel good.

I started ACV today.

Jul 25, 2011
Liquid form is more effective
by: sabnani

It is better to go for liquid ACV than the extract capsules.

Jun 17, 2010
by: Anonymous

I drink 2tsp of apple cider vinegar and 1tsp of raw honey in 8 oz of water 3x daily, the brand I use is Bragg's, you can get it in the local health stores.

It is in liquid form and it is better than the supplement. My weight has gone down from 222lbs to 220lbs in just 2 days and my period which I am on now is painless and the flow is light.

Jun 16, 2010
Very good
by: Anonymous

Use Bragg's apple cider vinegar, 2tsp in 8oz of water 3x a day. This vinegar is d natural type with d mother in it, it is also organic.

Apr 24, 2010
What brand?
by: jen

What brand of supplements do you use?
I would like to start taking them but want to buy a brand that I know had some effect on someone else.

May 30, 2009
by: Diane


Do you take supplements or drink ACV? I heard supplements don't work as well.


May 25, 2009
Thank God for ACV
by: Anonymous

Hi Michelle,

I live far away from you, in the South Pacific Ocean.
I would like to say congratulations on the road you are walking.
Keep it up and never lose sight of the winning post.

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