Weight Loss works for me

by Daniel Reid
(Montreal, Canada)

(Story translated from French)

French translation

I add 40 ml in a liter of water and I drink that throughout the day.

My weight has decreased from 188 to 182 pounds (85.5 - 82.5 Kilos) in July.

My objective is to lose 10 pounds (4.5 Kilos) from now until the end of 2009. Cost: Approximately $15/month.

I am going to try to make my own organic vinegar; by making 30 liters at home this autumn.

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Sep 19, 2014
Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar Works
by: Mimi

I started using Bragg apple cider vinegar since Feb., weighing 95KG.

I take it everyday - morning, afternoon and night, and it has helped in pulling my weight down to 84KG and I eat healthy.

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